A branch of unity
Pieces of loonity;
Stable bases
Harmony cases
No hypocritical faces;
Extending a warm hearted hand
The Generational brand;
A main dish of acceptance
A side helping of forgiveness
Multiple glasses of happiness
The strength of oneness;
The Family dynamic
Is like porcelain ceramic;
As they throw you out on a hanging tether
The original pieces are made of faux leather.


A deep sadness in the air
Tears dropping everywhere;
The loss of a child or spouse
A lonely house;
A locked door
A vacant store;
A lifeless being
In a permanent dream;
A forever close your eyes
Never again to see the sunrise;
A journey back in time
To revisit the mountains you have climbed;
What is death?
God’s Celestial breath
Unlimited hours to be blessed;
It’s time for a lasting retreat
For your job on this earth is complete;
No time to pick up the phone
For you are on your way home;
Not an aimless chore
Death is eternal life forevermore.


There is a tremendous rustle in the trees
The roaring wet breeze;
A musical whistle in the air
What’s coming next, I’m unaware;
Keep warm
Get out of the impending storm;
Beware of the Tsunamis
Hide from the flying debris;
Possibly a hurricane
Or just rain;
Hear her voice through the wall
You can’t mistake Mother Nature’s call.


So you think you’re the first one to do that?
No surprise that you are taking full credit;
The existence of the “working factories”
The jobs and the “booming economy;”
You have made the world a tremendous place
Even though the streets are paved with a toxic gummy paste;
Very perfect phone calls
To benefit us all?
Kids in cages
Poor middle class wages;
The rich have pockets that are fluffy
As your sense of humor is tasteless and stuffy;
America’s embarrassment
An entitled arrogance;
The grand narcissist
An over grown malignant cyst;
Walks the crooked walk
Continues to talk the twisted talk
Nonetheless, you are the laughingstock.


(For those of you who have been injured on the job and have dealt with the Workers Compensation Insurance Companies, well this sums it up in a nutshell. Please don’t allow your injury to blind you. Allow the CREATOR to reinvent you. Let your heart to guide you, and everything else will follow.)

With years of pain and misery
In a work injury
You become history;
Parties responsible
Refuse to become accountable;
As the years pass
They forget your name fast;
Becoming immune to the sound of thunder
As they are too busy calling the next number;
In reality, we’re pulled away from the workforce
By a Celestial source;
As you have now become defective
It’s time to change your perspective;
Don’t lose hope and ignore
What’s waiting for you behind a new door;
To reroute your direction
For the Higher Power is trying to get your attention.



Just what does Christmas mean to me? It’s not about the native traditional meals that we prepare in a crowded family kitchen. Much less the gifts under that beautifully decorated Pine Tree. Nor is it stealing a kiss under the Mistletoe. We all enjoy a festive dessert of Sugar Cookies or hot homemade Apple Pie and Hot Chocolate topped with whipped cream.

All of these things are well and good, but what is the true meaning of Christmas? To me, it’s about Love and Forgiveness. Showing kindness to your fellow man. It’s about sharing and caring.

I am wishing you, my brothers and sisters from around the world a very Merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year. May all of your dreams come true. Well Wishes to all!


Is it all about the presents
The crisp pine scent?
Traditional family meals
Department store holiday deals?
The snowflakes and the Mistletoe
That perfect pastry dough?
The tree and all the decorations
A unity celebration?
It’s deeper
Much more steeper;
Foremost and first
We must magnify the birth;
Let’s not lose sight
Of that Star so bright;
The authentic definition of Christmas in translation
Is Christ adoration;
Handing out blessing to a stranger
It’s all about the Manger.


What does evil look like
Is it a smiling clown upon a trike?
A beautiful breeze
An infected sneeze?
The smell of Pine in the air
A Rollercoaster ride at the Country Fair?
A dark cave
The Hallucinogens at the Party Rave?
A sinister female
Telling wicked tales?
A bottom lip quiver
An angry caregiver?
A petty crime
We’ve experienced that ugliness at one time;
Do you know
Does it show?
It’s only one take
To define that evil trait.