The journey
Is Yours alone
We all set the tone;
Wishing to live in peace
However, somehow we become a conversation piece;
If we could all live in harmony
So grand that would be;
Some people can’t live without disorder and commotion
Disregarding their target’s emotions;
In the midst of the winding path
From time to time there will be riff raff;
I don’t understand why individuals think they have power
Creating stories hour after hour;
Pray before you start your day
Positivity goes a long way!


Our mental health
Is our greatest wealth;
A mind
Is quite harmful when it’s on the decline;
It’s like malfunction
Headed for destruction;
Not knowing
Whether You are coming or going;
Stalking, obsession;
Mood swings
Imaginary telephone rings;
Voices in your head
Telling you that you’re better off dead;
Unexplainable body aches
Feeling like a flake
Make no mistake;
If you keep fleeing
Your mental well being;
Will result in harmful body afflictions
That will not respond to a notice of eviction;
Refrain from counting minutes on your fingers
Please don’t allow this sensation to linger;
Whatever the origin of the situation
It needs to be open to communication;
For self care
Always be self aware.


I would like to say “Hello” and send peace and love your way. To those of You who have been following Me since day one. Thank You. All of You only know Me as the lady behind the words. Today I have started an Instagram Page. If any of you are like Me, I read content and want to put a picture of the author to their writing. Now you can. If you connect to my Instagram, Tranquilmountain1494 I am formally introducing myself.

Presently, I am working on a couple of projects of which I will soon photograph to share with you. Thank You for your patience.