Born within prosperity
Many exhibit irregularities;
Divert, divert
Covering indiscretions with a pile of dirt;
In any event
Represent entitlement;
A truth interceptor
Somehow the silver spoon becomes a royal scepter;
Ducking responsibility
Never having tapped into integrity;
All evil actions pushed under the rug
While you receive a look the other way tug;
This becomes life’s norm
With no true intention of reform;
When you are born with a Benjamin between your lips
You become the head of your bogus dictatorship.


Through all ups and downs
They say money makes the world go round;
An over the top reverence
For a thin sheet of temporary finance;
It may provide a lavish lifestyle
Down the green mile;
When your pockets are padded
Prestige is added;
Like a day out of the year
Resembling your career;
Whereas in time you borrow
It’s here today, gone tomorrow;
If you are a believer of the phrase, “cash is king”
Then you really don’t understand anything;
Only one person dons the gold encrusted crown
Along with the opulent gown;
To all hearts of loyalty
GOD is royalty.


Greetings! I want to wish all of you peace and happiness. I hope that You are all staying safe and wearing your mask for Your protection and the protection of others. In my opinion, this COVID World is just crazy. With God’s Grace, it will soon be under control. In the meantime, please do not let your guards down. Take care.

I want to welcome my new followers. I hope you enjoy my content. I am sharing with You a piece of Me. May Your God bless You.


Number one or number two
Which one are You?
With only a short time to mingle
For your man is not single;
In your ambition
What is your position?
Is this relationship
A lifetime membership?
They say sharing
Is caring;
Are you willing to withstand
Only hit and runs with this man?
He loves you just a little
For you are second fiddle;
You can only play
When he can slip away;
Love yourself enough
To refuse the guff;
With much caution
When you’re not a priority, You become an option.


In this withering tree
I see Me;
The tree is dry
Do you want to know why?
The branches are intertwined but dead
Where the hate, jealousy, and envy spread;
The roots are very much alive
Attempting to send messages to revive;
What was once love and understanding
Is now discord branding;
All the water on this earth
Cannot assist with rebirth;
For all of the branches refuse to shake off their disease
One and other to appease;
The cancer spread through prior generations
Has now become variant mutations.


Don’t pretend
You weren’t a very good friend;
Like the path to different roads
There are girl codes;
Don’t go out with my man
Was something you didn’t understand;
It makes me queasy
How it was so easy peasy;
For you to cross the line
To touch what was supposed to be mine;
With no remorse, no regret
It’s difficult to forget;
Now you are lonely and gray
Four decades and six years have passed away;
No words have been exchanged
We remain estranged;
After our friendship of treasure
You chose the split second of pleasure;
It was hard to see
Like a honey bee
You were wild and free.


Are you playing the part
Is Joy in your heart
Or do you share happiness a la carte?
Happiness is located around every wall
If you heard, would you recognize the call?
Happiness and Joy are two different entities
They have no similar identity;
Don’t you know
Happiness comes and goes;
When your heart has Joy all you want to do is sing
Praises to the KING;
Give thanks for every day that you are alive
For all of the tools HE gives You to survive;
Where the fresh spring water flows
Joy is a constant budding rose.



Greetings! My apologies once again for not posting any content. From the bottom of My heart, I thank each and every one of You for the continued support. I thank you for not giving up on Me.

They say money makes the world go ’round. You can have all of the money in this world, but if you don’t have your health, You have nothing.

When I first started Tranquil Mountain, I shared with My followers and readers that I suffer from an autoimmune disease called RSD, now, better known as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. For those of you who are not familiar with it, this disease impairs your mobility. This disease causes pain, 24/7. Like with everything, there are good days and bad days. Right now, I am having my share of bad days. My condition is rapidly progressing. RSD has affected my lower limbs. I can only take a few steps at a time without feeling a great amount of leg pain and fatigue. The pain is outrageous. Over time, it has been documented within the literature that I have read that the internal organs can be somewhat affected as well. At present, I am going through many different changes. I am traveling a rough, bumpy road. I ask that You all please be patient with Me.

This is definately not the end of Tranquil Mountain. I will continue to post My poetry. I will share with You my ups and downs, good days and bad. If I can help someone who also shares this treacherous illness by my own experiences, I would have accomplished my goal. Once again, Thank You all. Much love. May Your God bless You. Wear your masks and be safe.


Remember Me for who I am
Less all that butter and jam;
Please don’t ignore
Remember what My life stood for;
Know that my love for humanity was in abundance
Acknowledge my good humor that was once;
Know that I may not be here for much longer
It is my loving family that made Me stronger;
Remember Me for who I am
I am the daughter of the Lamb.